
凤凰山 温泉谷 / 海南琼海官塘



项目概况  Project Overview


    本地块位于官塘温泉片区核心地段,与官塘温泉泉眼零距离,温泉水可直接快速通往基地,温泉资源好。基地西侧为琼海市的母亲河万泉河,河水水质良好,具有较好的观赏性。但基地与万泉河之间还有一块未建设的荒地。项目西南侧是万泉河路,路面为水泥沥青道路,靠近基地的围墙内有一排大树。道路两侧暂没有其他的初入口,可由万泉河路到达万泉河码头。基地南侧为由标准四星级的休闲度假村——官塘温泉休闲中心,里面设置了一个大型的温泉露天泳池。基地东南侧为已经建成的安置小区,景观比较差。西侧有一个与场地高差约为 10 米的山坡,山坡上建了一个通信基站,对其景观视线有一定的影响。本项目地块南向单侧临城市道路。交通条件受限,地块唯一可接驳的官塘大道是开往海南环线 G98 告诉的主要通道,也是前往红色娘子军纪念园的旅游路线。

    Located in Qionghai Kwun Tong, Hainan Province, the project is rich in natural resources and unique hot spring resources in Kwun Tong. Qionghai is located in the east of Hainan province, the middle and lower reaches of Wanquan River, is the hometown of the Red Detachment of Women, is a world-renowned “Boao Forum for Asia”place, is a young and attractive regional central city of Hainan.

    The local block is located in the core of the hot spring area of Kwun Tong Kwun Tong, with a zero distance from the hot spring eye, hot spring water can directly and quickly lead to the base, hot spring resources are good. West of the base is the mother river of Qionghai, Wanquan River, river water quality is good, with a better ornamental. But between the base and Wanquan River lies an unbuilt wasteland. The southwest side of the project is Wanquanhe Road, the road surface for the cement asphalt road, near the base of the wall inside a row of trees. There are no other initial entrances on either side of the road. From Man Chuen Ho Road, you can reach the Wanquan River Ferry Pier. South of the site is the Kwun Tong Spa and Leisure Centre, a standard four-star resort with a large outdoor pool. The southeast side of the base has been built for the resettlement community, the landscape is poor. On the west side there is a hillside with a difference of about 10 meters from the site height. A communication base station has been built on the hillside, which has a certain influence on the landscape sight line. The site of the project faces the City Road on one side to the south. Traffic conditions are limited and the only Accessible Avenue on the site is the main route to Hainan’s G98 ring road, which is also a tourist route to the Red Detachment of Women.

设计策略 Design Strategy





    Ecological nature: take “Lantau Peak Hot Spring Valley”as the concept, extract the design elements of “Phoenix Ridge Valley”, highlight the ecological, natural landscape as the main design concept, to create an ecological, natural livable environment;

    Physiotherapy: located in Kwun Tong, Qionghai, the site of the project is close to the hot springs in Kwun Tong. It is the unique natural resource of the project, thus forming a natural physiotherapy residence.

    Leisure and vacation: relying on Qionghai’s natural coastal tourism resources, as well as the domestic Red Detachment of Women and international Bo'ao Forum and other rich cultural tourism resources, to create a balance between leisure and vacation function of the living environment.

    On the landscape structure, there are many leisure and interactive landscape nodes, which are divided into dynamic commercial exhibition area “Happy World”, central waterscape exhibition area “Bibo Mangu”, villa valley exhibition area “Huanhua Valley”; Resort hotel display area “Holiday Garden”. Dynamic landscape interspersed with static landscape, so that the whole community landscape structure dynamic and orderly and colorful.

入口效果图  Main Entrance Rendering

欢乐水景果图  Happy Waterscape Rendering

时空影廊效果图  The Space-time Gallery Rendering

中央水景效果图  Central Waterscape Rendering

花瓣泳池效果图  Petal Pool Rendering

花影岛效果图  Flowers Shadow Island Rendering

别墅入户效果图  The Entrance To The Villa Rendering

度假酒店效果图  Resort Hotel Rendering

酒店后场效果图  Hotel Backfield Rendering

营销中心  Marketing Center


项目类型 | 地产公共区

项目名称 | 海南琼海官塘居住区景观规划设计

业主单位 |

建筑设计 |

总建筑师 |

设计团队 |湖南拓普智汇景观建筑设计股份有限公司

室内设计 |

建筑面积 | 46316㎡

竣工时间 | 2021年

建筑摄影 |


Engineering information








建筑面积: 46316㎡

竣工时间: 2021年



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