
古韵厚宅 奢居府邸 / 南宁丰泽紫薇府



▼项目概况  Project Overview
    The project is located in No.135 Xianhu Avenue East, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, with convenient transportation, surrounded by mountains and rivers and excellent geomantic omen. There is an east-west cement pavement construction road that needs to be retained. There is a height difference of about 7m between the west and the east of the site. Local nodes along the current cement road have formed scattered green clusters. There is a height difference of 3m between the ±0.00 elevation of the first floor of the sales department and the current road in the front field; The sales department under construction is of European architectural style, which contradicts the architectural style of the future large area.

▼设计构思  Design Concept
    With the purpose of creating a poetic lifestyle, the traditional ritual axis is decomposed into the natural garden landscape by means of framing, clipping, missing and obstructing landscape, so as to build a simple and refined Oriental landscape space that can meet the environmental needs and physical and mental needs.
    In the design, the space processing technique in the Oriental classical garden is applied -- see the big with the small. To see the big is to turn the limited into the infinite, send the big situation in the small scene. The small public space is the limiting factor of this project. In the design, the view is blocked by the view barrier or the landscape is blocked by the way of the leakage window, so as to achieve the effect of moving scenery, so as to obtain vivid interest and rich association in the limited space.
    对中式传统文化符号进行抽象提炼,营造精、雅、尊的品质意境。注重传文化的情境意韵及画面感的再生, 传统文化与现代时尚元素在时间长河里的邂逅,以内敛沉稳的传统文化为出发点,融入现代设计语言,为现 代空间注入凝练唯美的古典情韵。旨在打造一个低调内敛、传承深厚人文底蕴、展示东方大雅意境的城市别 墅区,追寻一种气质、一种味道、一种引人遐想的生活格调。
    The abstract extraction of Chinese traditional cultural symbols, to create a fine, elegant, respectable quality of artistic conception. Focusing on the context and charm of culture transmission and the regeneration of the sense of picture, the encounter between traditional culture and modern fashion elements in a long time, taking the introverted traditional culture as the starting point, and integrating modern design language, the modern space is infused with concise and aesthetic classical charm. The aim is to create a low-key introverted, inherited deep cultural heritage, show the Oriental artistic conception of the city villa area, the pursuit of a temperament, a taste, a daydream style of life.

府门迎宾区  Welcome Area
    That the facade of the house, the door of ritual order, outside the civilization. Drawing on the opening and closing momentum of traditional mansions and the simple form of royal buildings, the design creates an image interface facing the open atmosphere of the city, and expresses the style and temperament of the mansion to the extreme, emphasizing the welcome and ritual order, and highlighting the temperament of the project.

售楼部中庭景观区  Sales Atrium Landscape Area
    Notice to build on the experience of in the space between heaven and earth "walks, deep breathing thing I blend" Oriental situation experience, build courtyard space form, landscape processing elevation difference, by characteristics of modelling tree, stone, wood color blending, builds a quiet space temperament, strengthen the atrium of experience in sales department, to create the poetic landscape carefree and leisurely and comfortable.


项目类型 | 地产展示区

项目名称 | 南宁丰泽紫薇府展示区

业主单位 |

建筑设计 |

总建筑师 |

设计团队 |湖南拓普智汇景观建筑设计股份有限公司

室内设计 |

建筑面积 | 6900㎡

竣工时间 | 2019年

建筑摄影 |


Engineering information








建筑面积: 6900㎡

竣工时间: 2019年



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